George A. Earnshaw, 138" Pennsylvania Infantry, with General James B. Ricketts
Wonderful albumen photograph of 14 union officers from the 6" Corps. The second officer from the right on the front row is identified as George A. Earnshaw, a Gettysburg resident that enlisted in August 1862 in the 138" Pennsylvania. He wears captain's shoulder straps, a rank he attained on November 30, 1861. The officer seated at center is General James B. Ricketts, commander of the 6' Corps during its service in the Army of the Shenandoah until he was severely wounded in the chest by a Minie ball in the Battle of Cedar Creek. He returned to his command two days before Lee's surrender at Appomattox. The image measures 9 ½" by 7 ½" and is housed in a vintage frame.
Inventory Number: ALB 237 / SOLD