Specializing in Authentic Civil War Artifacts
  • CDV Major General Grant / SOLD

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    CDV Major General Grant - Inventory Number:  CDV 549 / SOLD

    Grant’s victories at Forts Henry and Donelson in February 1862 provided some much-needed good news for the Union cause and created a national market for images of the new hero. Commercial photographers made use of out-of-date portraits and lithographs that bore only a passing resemblance the purported subject. One popular early image was later said to have been a bearded stand-in who was deemed close-enough. That changed he amassed victories and collectors now regard him as perhaps the most photographed person of the nineteenth century.

    Half-length seated view. Grant wears the uniform and shoulder straps of a major general, a rank he received after Henry and Donelson as “major general of volunteers.” The rank was extended to the regular army after he took Vicksburg in July 1863, and he held it until March 1864, when he was made lieutenant general and general of the armies. Backmark of E. & H.T. Anthony.


    Inventory Number:  CDV 549 / SOLD