Clipping from an 1830 dated legal document signed before a justice of the peace by Joshua Chamberlain Jr., father of Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain of Gettysburg fame. The document measures 8” by 3 ½’. Joshua Chamberlain, Jr., son of Joshua and Ann Gould Chamberlain, was born in Orrington, Maine, in 1800. He married Sarah Brastow of Holden in 1827, and they had five children: Joshua Lawrence, Horace B., Sarah B., John Calhoun, and Thomas Davee Chamberlain. A resident of Brewer, Maine, Chamberlain was a county commissioner and a lieutenant colonel in the militia as well as holding other offices. He died in 1880.
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, born in 1828, graduated from Bowdoin College in 1852, studied at the Bangor Theological Seminary for three years, and then returned to Bowdoin as a professor. Chamberlain joined the 20th Maine Regiment in 1862, achieved fame at the Battle of Gettysburg, and was severely wounded at Petersburg. During his military career he served in 20 battles and many skirmishes. After returning from the war, he was elected governor of Maine, 1866-1869, and served as president of Bowdoin from 1871-1883. Chamberlain died of his 50-year-old wound in 1914.
Inventory Number: DOC 281 / SOLD