Letter Written to Soldier of Co. F. 11th Maryland Infantry, Interesting Content Including Whipping, Swearing, and Cursing – Inventory Number: DOC 369
Jan. 11, 1865 Civil War letter written by Margaret A. Cook to Union soldier Anthony J. Simms (1821-1901) of Co. F 11th Maryland Infantry. Discusses whipping, swearing, and a family member being called "a damn black bitch." Includes unique drawing on reverse of a hand with the phrase. "This is Lucy's hand. He says he could knock you down with it."
Transcription as follows:
Fawn Grove York Co. Pa.
January the 11 1865
Dear Brother
After the absence of a long time I thought that Iwould drop you a few lines to let you know that we are al well at present. Hoping that thows few lines may find you all well I think you might of wrote to me before this time for I have written to you to or 3 times. I have seen a good many ups and downs since I seen you. I was sorry that I was not at home the last time that you was at home. I am married and living at Fawn Grove. I have not got much news to write. ?
Campbell is a goin to have a young heir sometime this month. John has got ? tates hows (house) rented and is shomaking in it. He was up heir (here) last week. He is agoin to Baltimore next week to get some lether. He bought himself? coat last week and paid eighteen dollars for it and a dollar an 5 cents for a pair of gloves and I don't know what he paid for his cloth. George Howe is married and got a young daughter. Elizabeth Tayson is married lill Knight and are living where Aunt Nancy youst to live. Lilley Tayson is dead. Elisabeth Almony has got a young dauter. Mother family is all well Anthenny is talking of going substitute for William Jones. I must close my letter. Ganes sends a bushel of love to. He says you just awte to see him now. He can sing Rally Round the Flag Boys and I have to whip him for swearing. He calls his Aunt Mary a damn black bitch and tells her to kiss his ass and Jim just ?. He likes to hear him talk. Give my love to lill and Tomas and George Claney and ask George Claney if he minds the time that he jumpt out of the windo. I must close by sending you my love. Rite soon and let me hear from you. Tell lill to write. Will write to him soon.
From Your Sisiter
Margret A. Cook
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Inventory Number: DOC 369