Specializing in Authentic Civil War Artifacts
  • 1/6th Plate Tintype of Artilleryman in the 1st New York Artillery Great Gettysburg Regiment! / ON-HOLD

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    1/6th Plate Tintype of Artilleryman in the 1st New York Artillery Great Gettysburg Regiment! - Inventory Number: HAR 212  / ON-HOLD

    Spectacular 1/6th plate tintype with crystal clear artillery badge with company numbers and letters 1st NY Artillery Battery K! The image is in a complete gutta percha case.

    Battery K saw major action throughout the war! Including action at Pickett’s Charge in Gettysburg. Attached is their full report at Gettysburg!

    The important services rendered by Battery “K” at Gettysburg are well described in the official report of Captain Fitzhugh, from which the following extract is made:

    "Arriving on the field from Taneytown about 8 A. M., July second, I was ordered to take two batteries (K, First New York Artillery, and A, First New Jersey Artillery) and go into position on the Baltimore turnpike, near General Slocum's line.

    "The two batteries left with me remained unengaged until 1 P. M., of Friday, July third, when by order of General Hunt, I put them in position near the stone fence in front of General Webb's division of the Second Corps, Battery A, First New Jersey Artillery, on the left of K, First New York Artillery.

    "At this time the enemy were making a strong effort to break the Second Corps line, their infantry having charged up to the stone fence near a small wooded knoll about 75 yards on my right, while their artillery fire swept the ground occupied by the two batteries. Just then there were no other batteries at that point and there seemed to be a good deal of confusion. The rebel artillery fire, from near a house and barn about 1,000 yards on my left and front, was especially severe, but soon materially slackened, and became very wild under a fire of percussion and time shell from Battery K. In the meantime, Lieutenant Parsons poured about forty rounds of shrapnel into the flank of the rebel infantry charging the Second Corps, and in about half or three-quarters of an hour the enemy abandoned the attack on that point altogether.

    "After a pause of about an hour, the rebel infantry began forming on the right of the house and barn before spoken of, while from the same quarter their artillery opened upon us a brisk but poorly directed and inefficient fire, to which, by direction of General Hunt, I made no reply, but awaited the attack of their infantry, who soon charged over the open field toward some broken ground about 500 yards on my left, as they did so giving the two batteries an opportunity to pour in an enfilading fire, which they did with great effect, for the enemy did not reach the point, but broke and gave way in all directions when about the middle of the field.

    "After this we remained in position on the same ground until about 10 A. M., July fifth, when I was ordered to join the Artillery Reserve. Of the conduct of officers and men, I cannot speak too highly. Coming into position at a critical point of the rebel charge on our centre, and under a galling fire, the guns were worked with great deliberation and a most decided effect. Casualties in Battery K: Wounded, 7; loss in horses, 5. Ammunition expended: Percussion shell, 57; shrapnel, 15; and time shell, 17; total, 89."


    Inventory Number: HAR 212 / ON-HOLD