Specializing in Authentic Civil War Artifacts
  • 1st Reunion of the 3rd PA Artillery and the 188th PA Volunteer Infantry / SOLD

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    1st Reunion of the 3rd PA Artillery and the 188th PA Vol. Infantry - Inventory Number: ALB 204 / SOLD

     Held at Sunbury, PA., September 29th and 30th, 1886

     Wonderful overview of several hundred members of these two regiments proudly displaying their canes at shoulder arms.  The veteran in the forefront is wearing his post commanders’ medals.  Housed in an archival frame.  A spectacular image, albumen field measures 14 x 10 ½”, framed 19 ½” x 17”.  Accompanied by a copy of a lengthy newspaper article in the Sunbury newspaper describing the festivities surrounding the event, great content!  


        Third Artillery. - Col., Joseph Roberts ; Lieut.-Col., R. V.  W. Howard; Majs., John A. Darling, J. S. Stevenson, F. Von Schilling, John A. Blake.  This regiment, the 152nd of the line, was recruited from the state at large, rendezvoused at Philadelphia, and was mustered into the U. S. service at various periods during the latter part of the year 1862 and the early part of 1863.  Cos. A and B had been organized as a battalion of marine artillery in 1861 by Hermann Segebarth, and garrisoned Fort Delaware.  Late in the summer of 1862, authority was given Col. Segebarth to increase this battalion to a full regiment of heavy artillery and batteries D, F, G and H were recruited during the fall and winter and mustered in for three years.  In Sept., 1862, Maj. Roberts, of the 4th regular artillery, was authorized by the war department to raise a picked battalion of artillery for service at Fortress Monroe and as fast as the companies were organized and mustered in they were sent to that point, where they were drilled in infantry, light and heavy artillery tactics.  In the spring of 1863, by order of the war department, the commands of Segebarth and Roberts were consolidated to form the 3d Pa. heavy artillery. Co. H, Capt. William D. Rank, was detached for garrison duty in the defenses of Baltimore, where it remained throughout its term of service with a single exception, when a section was ordered to the front during the battle of Gettysburg and served as light artillery in McIntosh's brigade, 2nd cavalry division, losing 2 killed, 10 wounded and 1 missing.  The headquarters of the regiment were at Fortress Monroe and from this point detachments were sent out, both by land and sea, to serve in any arm of the service and wherever troops were needed.  During the invasion of Eastern Virginia by Longstreet's corps, in the spring of 1863, Cos. A, B, F and G served in the defenses of Suffolk throughout the siege.  Every company except H furnished detachments for service at the front in the campaigns of 1864-65, and they were engaged on the James, Chickahominy and Nansemond rivers in numerous battles, as well as in the capture of Fort Fisher.  In the engagement at Smithfield, Va., in Feb., 1864, detachments from Cos. A and B, serving on the army gun-boats, suffered a loss of 38 captured, many of whom afterwards died at Andersonville.  A detachment of Co. A, serving on the gunboat Bombshell, at Plymouth, N. C., in April, 1864, lost 27 captured when the boat was sunk.  During most of its term of service Co. I performed guard duty at the headquarters of the Army of the James and was present at the surrender of Lee.  As its numbers exceeded the requirements of the army regulations, many of the original members volunteered to form the 188th Pa. infantry in connection with a number of unassigned recruits, though new recruits were added to the 152nd and its ranks were still more than full.  Cos. D, E, G and M served with the Army of the James before Petersburg, being stationed at Bermuda Hundred; Co. E, with others, under command of Capt. Hazard, was posted at Fort Converse, covering the pontoon bridge across the Appomattox.  Many details were furnished for work on the fortifications and for duty in the various arms of the service.  After the close of hostilities, detachments of the 152nd served as guard for Jefferson Davis during his confinement in Fortress Monroe.  Sixteen men of Co. F were lost on March 31, 1865, while returning to Fortress Monroe from Wilmington, N. C., on account of the destruction by fire of the transport General Lyon.  From the foregoing sketch it will be noted that, though this command was originally organized for special duty at Fortress Monroe, it performed a large amount of duty at the front, both by land and sea.  By reason of its excellent training in every branch of the service, it was enabled to furnish details when called upon for every branch of the artillery service, as well as in the infantry and naval arms.  The regiment was mustered out as follows: Cos. A and B, at Fortress Monroe, Va., July 11, 1865; Co. H, at Baltimore, Md., July 25, 1865; the remaining companies, at Fortress Monroe, Va., Nov. 9, 1865.


         One Hundred and Eighty-eighth Infantry. - Cols., George K. Bowen, John G. Gregg, Samuel I. Givin; Lieut.-Cols., George K. Bowen, Francis H. Reichard, John G. Gregg, Samuel I. Givin, James Geiser; Majs., Francis H. Reichard, John G. Gregg, James Geiser, Frederick A. Reen.  This regiment was organized at Camp Hamilton, near Fortress Monroe, during the first two weeks of April, 1864, from the surplus recruits of the 3d artillery. Within a short time about 900 men were mustered into the U. S. service for a three years' term.  Both Col. Bowen and Lieut.-Col. Reichard and most of the line officers were promoted from the 3d artillery.  More than 300 of the men had served in the reserve corps before entering the 3d artillery and many others had served in other organizations.  On April 25 the regiment moved to Yorktown and was assigned to the 3d brigade, 1st division, 18th corps.  On May 4, it moved-by transport to Bermuda Hundred and suffered a loss of 2 killed at Proctor's creek a few days later.  It lost 11 killed and 60 wounded at Drewry's bluff, or Fort Darling, and on June 1 joined the army of the Potomac at Cold Harbor, where it went into action immediately after getting into position on the right of the 6th corps.  In the desperate fighting there the regiment lost 24 killed, and a large number wounded and missing.  Capt. Moeller was among the killed, and Capt. Breel was mortally wounded.  It shared in the first fighting before Petersburg, and remained for nearly two months on the right of the line, fronting Fort Clifton.  During this time, by reason of its exposed position, it suffered a loss of 80 killed and wounded, while many more died of diseases On July 5, it was joined by Co. F which had been on detached service at Drewry's bluff, and late in August it was moved to a position on the Bermuda Front, remaining there until the close of September.  In the fierce assaults on Forts Harrison and Gillmer the regiment lost about 60 killed, and 100 wounded. Among the former was the gallant Capt. Dickson, who had led the regiment through the fiery ordeal.  About this time, the regiment was assigned to 3d brigade, 3d division, 24th corps, and received about 400 new recruits.  The command remained in winter quarters near Fort Harrison until the following April, the monotony of camp life being only once disturbed, when it participated in an expedition to Fredericksburg in March, 1865, and effected the destruction of vast amounts of stores and property collected for the use of the enemy.  On April 3 it moved without opposition to Richmond and assisted in subduing the fires which were raging in the Confederate capital.  Soon afterward it encamped at Manchester across the river from Richmond.  On June 28 the recruits of the 199th Pa. infantry were transferred to this regiment.  It served by detachments on guard and provost duty at various points in Virginia until Dec. 14, 1865, when it was assembled at City Point, Va., and was there mustered out.

    Inventory Number: ALB 204 / Sold