Specializing in Authentic Civil War Artifacts

Wonderful Civil War Bugle

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Wonderful Civil War Bugle - Inventory Number:  MUS 188

Identical example to the example carried by General Kearny’s Orderly

Manufactured by Klemm of Philadelphia

This Civil War period piece has only one stamping identifying it a trumpet in “F.”  Made in brass, and never had silver plating as some other examples I have found in my research.  The trumpet, or bugle, looks to be 100 percent correct. The mouthpiece fits tightly and exhibits the same finish as the rest of brass. The double coiled tube is about 15 inches to the bell.  The overall measure is 17 inches, and was a bit longer, as the bell (measuring 4 3/4) has been pushed back some, causing the bell cover to buckle some.

Overall, near mint condition example.  This was part of the collection pf Mark Elrod, author on the Civil War Instruments book.  The bell garland is inscribed with the marking of Klemm of Philadelphia.

Historically, this type of bugle or trumpet was used by Gustave Schurmann, a young drummer in the 40th New York Volunteers, until he was chosen as General Philip Kearny’s orderly of the day; Kearny then presented him with a trumpet in “G”, and a horse to accompany the staff. Schurmann’s legs barely could straddle over the saddle, yet his determination was great, and General Kearny was truly impressed enough to reward the young musician with the honor of being his permanent orderly.  Schurmann was with the general the day he was killed at the Battle of Chantilly, Va. in 1862.

Gustav Schurmann a 12-year-old bugler and orderly for General Philip Kearny during the American Civil War. Schurmann served in the Mozart Regiment, the 140th New York infantry unit, and became friends with Tad Lincoln.            

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Inventory Number:  MUS 188