CDV and Letter Written by Major General Schofield - Inventory Number: DOC 367 / SOLD
Headquarters Army of the Ohio Pulaski, Tennessee, November 14, 1860
Mr. C. S. Pasco Philadelphia PA, Dear sir,
I received your kind and patriotic letter of November 11. Would that all American parents cherished the same kind feelings towards those who are fighting for the preservation of the union. Their children would then be taught to properly prize liberties, which were so clearly brought by our forefathers, and which we are so fiercely struggling to maintain.
Yours very truly J. M. Schofield Major General.
With great wartime CDV of Schofield, back mark E. H. & Anthony.
John McAllister Schofield was a prominent Union general who played a leading role in the Atlanta Campaign and the Franklin-Nashville Campaign as commander of the Army of the Ohio. He later served as U.S. Secretary of War, Superintendent of the United States Military Academy, and commanding general of the United States Army.
Comes housed in 12 x 16 riker display case with red velvet and descriptive card.
Inventory Number: DOC 367 / SOLD