Specializing in Authentic Civil War Artifacts
  • CDV, Deathbed of Abraham Lincoln

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    CDV, Deathbed of Abraham Lincoln - Inventory Number:  POL 225

    Carte de visite of an 1865 lithograph depicting Abraham Lincoln lying on a bed surrounded by cabinet members, generals, and family members, from left: William Dennison, Post Master General, Sec. John P. Usher, Sec. Gideon Welles, Sec. Hugh McCulloch, General Montgomery C. Meigs, General Christopher C. Augur, General Henry Halleck, Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase, Surgeon General Joseph Barnes, Mary Todd Lincoln, Major John M. Hay, Captain Robert Todd Lincoln, surgeon Charles Leale, Senator Charles Sumner, Sec. Edwin M. Stanton, and Attorney General James Speed. In good condition with nice detail and contrast.

    Comes housed in a 6 x 8-inch display case with black velvet backing and descriptive card.

    *To purchase this item directly with a credit card, please click on this link. 

     Inventory Number:  POL 225