Early-war standing view carte de visite of Augustus Woodbury, chaplain of the 1st Rhode Island. Woodbury wears captain’s straps on his Rhode Island blouse with his McDowell style forage cap on the nearby chair. The card has the backmark “Manchester Bro’s/Artists/73 Westminster St./Prov RI.” In 1862, Augustus Woodbury published A Narrative of the Campaign of the First Rhode Island Regiment in the Spring and Summer of 1861. This book was the first published regimental history written by a Civil War participant. A very clear image of a Civil War chaplain and Bull Run veteran.
Augustus Woodbury - Residence Providence RI; Enlisted on 4/17/1861 at Providence, RI as a Chaplain. On 5/2/1861 he was commissioned into Field & Staff RI 1st Infantry. He was Mustered Out on 8/2/1861 at Providence, RI, Other Information: Born in 1825, Held GAR Offices: National Chaplain-in-Chief for 1873.
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Inventory Number: CDV 443 / SOLD