Specializing in Authentic Civil War Artifacts
  • Church Built by the 50th N.Y. Engineer Regiment / SOLD

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    Church Built by the 50th N.Y. Engineer Regiment - Inventory Number: CDV 512 / SOLD

    Church built by the 50th N.Y. Engineer Regiment at Poplar, near Petersburg, VA. near Poplar Grove Natl. Cemetery. Built to keep the men busy curing the Winter months- Authorized Jan. 20, 1865, named the Poplar Grove Church, dedicated Mar. 4, 1865. Used for Church, concerts, with Mrs. Grant, & Mrs. Meade as guests, and as a hospital near end of Petersburg Campaign. Designed by brevet Major Michael McGath, Architect/Builder, it seated 225 people.

    Comes housed in 6 x 8 riker display case with red velvet and descriptive card.


    Inventory Number: CDV 512 / SOLD