Specializing in Authentic Civil War Artifacts

Civil War US Navy Commission

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Civil War US Navy Commission - Inventory Number:  GRO 094

Beautiful document depicting vessels at sea, including an ironclad entitled United States of America Navy Department. This example is for Samuel Lee Holt and is boldly signed by Gideon Wells Secretary of the Navy.

Included is a wartime image of Holt in his naval uniform with large caravan and fouled anchor. He wears a basket weave cap with silk tassels. The reverse of the image states these pieces were to accompany his sword. They were once part of the Collection of Gary Biseskey, now separated from his edged weapon. 

Gideon Welles (July 1, 1802 – February 11, 1878), nicknamed "Father Neptune", was the United States Secretary of the Navy from 1861 to 1869, a cabinet post he was awarded after supporting Abraham Lincoln in the 1860 election. Although opposed to the Union blockade of Southern ports, he duly carried out his part of the Anaconda Plan, largely sealing off the Confederate coastline and preventing the exchange of cotton for war supplies. This is viewed as a major cause of Union victory in the Civil War, and his achievement in expanding the Navy almost tenfold was widely praised. Welles was also instrumental in the Navy's creation of the Medal of Honor.

Comes housed in 20 x 14 riker display case with red velvet and descriptive car

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Inventory Number:  GRO 094