Colt Pocket Model - Inventory Number: HAN 341 / SOLD
Hartford - Manufactured in 1860!
This example is chambered in .31 caliber and features a 4” barrel. The serial number “178,421” matches throughout and makes this an 1860 manufactured pistol. The cylinder still shows much of the original engraved “Stagecoach Holdup” scene, along with the patent stamping. Most of the gunmetal surface is smooth and operates well. Some dings and dents are present in the barrel assembly and the top flat of the barrel shows a clear and unmarred “ADDRESS COL SAML COLT Hartford Conn”. “Colt’s Patent” is stamped on the frame, and the caliber designation is stamped on the trigger guard frame. All brass frame furniture shines with a mellow hue and minimal cosmetic damage for the age of the pistol. The walnut grips are rich in color.
This is an honest example of a revolver model which saw widespread use before, during, and after the Civil War. It would make an excellent and reasonably priced addition to any collection.
The Model 1849 Pocket Revolver, a replacement for the Baby Dragoon, was the most widely produced of any Colt percussion pistol. Nearly 340,000 were manufactured during a 23-year production run that ended in 1873. Although most production took place in Colt's Hartford factory, approximately 11,000 were made in London. These pistols were available with octagonal barrels ranging between 3 and 6 inches in length. The one-piece walnut grips, and casehardened frame, hammer, and loading lever previously featured on Colt's Walker and Dragoon revolvers was carried over to the Model 1849 Pocket, however, the square-back trigger guard was replaced with a round guard, and the engraved cylinder featured a stagecoach holdup scene rather than the Texas Ranger - Indian fight that had been standard on earlier Colts.
Inventory Number: HAN 341 / SOLD