Specializing in Authentic Civil War Artifacts
  • Crescent Star Cape Pin

    There is only 1 item left in stock.

    Crescent Star Cape Pin - Inventory Number: MIS 290

    This is another rare and unique piece, it is a Crescent Star Cape Pin.

    For years these devices have been referred to as "cape pins" as it was believed that their use was to connect an officer's cape. More recently it has been suggested that they could have also been used as watch fobs. In 2012, in the Publisher's forum "Learning the Lingo" found in Vol. 36 No. 2 of the "North South Trader's Civil War" by publisher Steve Sylvia, the publisher writes: [the use of]"Cape pins" is still in vogue, although I am convinced, they were used as watch fobs.

    Maybe a few officers wore capes, but enlisted men sure didn't. There are far too many excavated examples to similar excavated stars and chains can be found in Civil War relic reference books, such as "Civil War Artifacts" by Howard Crouch and "Excavated Artifacts from Battlefields and Campsites of The Civil War" by Stanley S. Phillips (see pictures). This piece is in very nice condition and has an excellent untouched patina.

    Comes housed in 5 x 6 riker display case with red velvet and descriptive card.

    *To purchase this item directly with a credit card, please click on this link.


    Inventory Number: MIS 290