Specializing in Authentic Civil War Artifacts
  • First Lieutenant Bemjamin Franklin Ashenfelter, Company G, 6th Regiment, PRVC / Sold

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    First Lieutenant Benjamin Franklin Ashenfelter - Inventory Number: PRVC 023 / SOLD

    Company G, Sixth Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserve Volunteer Corps.  Ashenfelter was a shoemaker from Middletown, Dauphin County, PA when the war began. He survived it virtually unharmed. He enlisted as a 1st Sergeant, and rose to 1st Lieutenant. He re-enlisted in Company H, 201st Pennsylvania Volunteers as Captain of that company.

    Benjamin F. Ashenfelter:

    Residence Middletown PA; a 28 year-old Shoemaker.

    Enlisted on 4/18/1861 at Dauphin County, PA as a 1st Sergeant.

    On 7/27/1861 he mustered into "G" Co. PA 35th Infantry

    He was Mustered Out on 6/11/1864 at Harrisburg, PA

    On 8/28/1864 he was commissioned into "H" Co. PA 201st Infantry

    He was Mustered Out on 6/21/1865 at Harrisburg, PA


    * 2nd Lieut 12/4/1861

    * 1st Lieut 4/3/1863

    * Capt 8/28/1864 (As of Co. H 201st PA Infantry)

    * Capt 3/13/1865 by Brevet

    He was described at enlistment as:

    5' 9.0", light complexion, brown eyes, dark hair

    Federal Pension Information:

    He applied for a pension on 5/13/1870

    application # 156,263

    His Widow (Emma M Ashenfelter) applied for a pension on 1/16/1872 application # 201,269


    Thirty-fifth Infantry - Cols., W. W. Ricketts, William Sinclair, Wellington H. Ent; Lieut.-Cols., William Penrose, Henry B. McKean, Wellington H. Ent, William D. Dickson; Majs., Henry J.  Madill, Wellington H. Ent, William H. H. Gore.  The 35th, the 6th of the reserves, composed of men from all parts of the state, was ordered with the Kane rifles to Maryland, then to Greencastle, Pa., Washington and Tennallytown.  It was mustered it at Washington for three years on July 27, and at Tennally-town was assigned to the 3d brigade of the reserve corps.  This brigade won the brilliant victory at Dranesville in December and passed an uneventful winter in camp near Langley.  It took part in the strategic movements on the Peninsula in the spring of 1862 and was actively engaged at the second Bull Run, South mountain, Antietam and Fredericksburg, where the losses of the 35th were severe.  It then went into camp near Belle Plain; took part in the "Mud March;" was ordered to Alexandria in Feb., 1863, and to Fairfax Station in March, where it remained until the Gettysburg campaign.  It was closely engaged in that battle, joined in the pursuit of the enemy and the various marches of the army during the autumn, and went into winter quarters at Kettle Run early in December.

    In the spring of 1864 it participated in the engagements of the Wilderness campaign in May and fought its final battle at Bethesda Church After that engagement the regiment started for Harrisburg, where it was mustered out on June II, 1864, the veterans and recruits being transferred to the 191st Pa. Infantry.

    Inventory Number: PRVC 023 / SOLD