Florida Slave Related Document - Inventory Number: CON 129 / SOLD
Detailing the return of Property including Slaves. Very legible.
"State of Florida Articles of agreement made and conducted on this the foutrth day of October in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and forty eight between Elizabeth King and Smith D. King both of Golden County State of Florida....."
......"and the said Elizabeth King further agress with the Said S.D. King to stop all law suits against the said S D King and to give up all the property which was taken by the said Elizabeth to be placed back in to the said S D Kings posession forth with (to wit) one negroe man named Alan aged thirty years and one negroe woman named Elizabeth one blind bay horse and a forty acre tract of land known and designated as the north east qr of the Southwest qr of section to twelve in township ....."
Document measures 12 5/8" x 7 5/8"
Inventory Number: CON 129 / SOLD