"From General Crawford, Commanding 30 Division 5"
Corps, Army of the Potomac" - Inventory Number: CON 282 / SOLD
Three Confederate notes - Presented by General Samuel W. Crawford from Appomattox.
This 8" x 11" blue ledger page was found in an album of one of his officers. The inscription of Major General by Brevet" dates the document to Appomattox as Crawford was Breveted Major General on March 13'1865. Having been stored in an album and not exposed to light, the condition of the page is excellent. The notes, a $5, $10, 1864 series are all in excellent condition. Wonderful relic of aq prominent Union General and the Surrender at Appomattox.
Comes housed in a 12 x 16 inch display case with black velvet backing and descriptive card.
Inventory Number: CON 282 / SOLD