Classic Civil War U.S. issued smooth side canteen. This one retains all three strap loops and the pewter spout. The body of the canteen has the typical dings and dents from service and has a significant amount of gold paint remaining, a common practice by Civil War veterans in later years. The canteen has an old typewritten tag that reads “carried by John Miller Co. B 129 PA Vol. Inf.” Miller enlisted in the 9-month 129th Pennsylvania in August 1862 and likely saw action with his regiment at Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville. A nice Identified Civil War canteen with veterans service as well.
John Miller - Residence Schuylkill County PA; Enlisted on 8/10/1862 as a Private. On 8/10/1862 he mustered into "B" Co. PA 129th Infantry. He was Absent, sick on 5/18/1863.
Inventory Number: CAN 133 / SOLD