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Great 102nd New York CDV / On-hold

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Great 102nd New York CDV - Inventory Number: CDV 550 / On-hold

“Lieutenant General Avery and Captain Elliot 102nd NY Vols.”

Backmark J. Gurney and Son Broadway, New York. Excellent clarity and condition. 

Robert Avery - Civil War Union Brevet Major General. Served in the Civil War as Lieutenant Colonel and commander of the 102nd New York Volunteer Infantry. At the Battle of Lookout Mountain, Tennessee, on November 24, 1863, he sustained a wound to his right leg, which necessitated its amputation. Unable to serve in the field because of it, he became Major of the 7th Veterans Reserve Corps, which he served in until the end of the war. On March 13, 1865 he received the brevet of Brigadier General, US Volunteers and Major General, US Volunteers for "gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Lookout Mountain, Tenn." On Match 2, 1867 he received the brevets of Brigadier General and Major General, US Regular Army for "meritorious services during the war". However, his commission was not confirmed by the United States Senate until March 3, 1869, in the last batch of Civil War brevet promotions. He served in the post-War Regular Army, retiring in 1870 with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He then became a prominent Pennsylvania lawyer and railroad official before his death in Brooklyn, New York City in 1912.  

ELLIOTT, GILBERT M. Age, 21 years.  Enrolled, October 3, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. E, October 31, 1861; as captain, Co. EL, October 5, 1862; promoted major, March 18, 1863; killed in action, November 24, 1863, at Lookout Mountain, Tenn.

Commissioned first lieutenant, May 1, 1862, with rank from October 31, 1861, original; captain, October 29, 1862, with rank from October 5, 1862, vice J. Spring, killed in action; major, June 19, 1863, with rank from March 18, 1863, Vice F. E. Trotter, discharged.

ELLIOTT, JOHN R. Age, 21 years old. Enrolled, September 30, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. E, January 11, 1862; promoted first sergeant, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 30, 1863; mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. B, January 1, 1864; transferred to Co. D, May 12, 1864; wounded in action, June 15, 1864, at Pine Mountain, Ga.; mustered in as captain, Co. I, June 22,1865; mustered out with company, July 21, 1865, at Alexandria, Va.

Commissioned first lieutenant, February 10, 1864, with rank from January 1, 1864, vice W. N. Johnson, promoted; captain, May 31st, 1865, with rank from January 7, 1865, vice R. H.

Wilbur, promoted.

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Inventory Number: CDV 550