Specializing in Authentic Civil War Artifacts
  • Hurrah for Jeff Davis and the Red, White, and Red / SOLD

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    Hurrah for Jeff Davis and the Red, White, and Red - Inventory Number: DOC 323 / SOLD

    Cool  Spring Farm March 12, 1862,

    My Dear Annie:

    As I was sitting here all alone, I thought I would write you a note to let you know that we are going to move to the city next month. I hope you will come down and see us before we go for. I want to see you so bad and I want you to beg mother to let me go home with you and stay a day or two she promised you when you was down here That I could come up and stay so keep her to her promise. Oh Annie beg her until she says yes I can go. Darling, you must not look for a long letter this time for I am sick to see you and the family turn over as Bob Pays. Darling, when did you get a letter from Ella, when did you write to her tell her to answer my letter for I want to hear from her. Her for Jeff, hurrah for Jeff Davis and her sweet old friend. I must stop for a must take the letter down before the stage starts give my love to all the family and keep the largest share for yourself my love to Molly, Burton, darling write me a letter and send it through the office direct my letters, Jerusalem, Mills Hartford County Maryland my love to RR C when you see him and kiss him for me also love to CCC the pride of your heart. Please excuse, dreadful penmanship Oh Annie give my love to Sylvester ‘s family and Benny’s family. I remain your friend forever M. E Griffin PS to Mrs. A. E. Ford or Carmen I forgot from Mrs. R. Wait till I take my pen out. I am a secession forever for Jeff. I have made a secession flag.

    Comes housed in 8 x 12 riker display case with red velvet and descriptive card.


    Inventory Number: DOC 323 / SOLD