Letter and Identified Eating Utensil from A Great Gettysburg Unit - Inventory Number: GRO 097
Newton L. Mitchell 12' IL Cav., Co. F Letter & Fork/Spoon Combo
Fought at Gettysburg
Describes a skirmish with the Rebs:
• "I think we will go up Red River as fast as we can get transportation. One of the boats that took some of the 12'h from here was fired into by some rebs. The boat drop into the Shore and the boys made rush on them and kill six or seven and the rest of them took to the woods as fast as their heals could take them."
Describes several soldiers being sick or wounded, the various hospitals they are in, including the Marine Hospital in New Orleans
Talks about a "Colored regt" from New Hampshire:
• "Their is three regts of Infantry at this camp. One is a Colored regt from New Hampshire. They are well drill and look like they will make very good Soldiers."
Talks about the boys selling their horses:
• "The most of the boys have sold their horses since we come down here. I can get $150 for mine and I am on a stan whether to take it or not. Their was two sold for $200 a piece but they ware a little better than mine."
Letter is fully transcribed and researched.
Dear Brother [Andrew K. Mitchell]
I now take up pen to write you a few lines which leaves me in good health at present and hopeing that these few lines may find you all enjoying the same high blessing. I am sorry to have to say that Thomas Mitchell [Wm.
Thomas Mitchell, Co. F] and J Wm Meneley [Wm. Mendelen. Co. B] are both sick. John was taken sick about the 16th and went to the Hospital on the 20*h
. He has the typhoid fever. He is now on the mend. He was
considerable better yesterday. Thomas went to the Hospital last evening. I think he has got the same kind of fever, and has a very severe attack of it. I stayed part of the night with him and then came back to camp to sleep some for I was up with him the of the night before. I went back to see him this morning and he was very sick.
He was sent to the Marine Hospital down in the city. Tom will have a fever spell but he has gone to a good Hospital and their was a good man went with him. Wm. W. Clark [Co. F] he told me he wrote to all he could for Tom and John Clark was wounded at Chester Gap and his foot pains him so he cant stand it to ride. So he went to the Hospital this morning with Tom. John Menely is in ward "H" Marines Hosp New Orleans. I do not know what ward Tom will bee in yet but I will go down to see him as soon as I can and then I will write again.
I do not know when we will leave this place. Four Companys have already left and the rest will go as fast as they can get transportation for them. Their is some talk of our Squadron staying here but I think it is all camp talk. I think we will go up Red River as fast as we can get transportation. One of the boats that took some of the 12*h from here was fired into by some rebs. The boat drop into the Shore and the boys made rush on them and kill six or seven and the rest of them took to the woods as fast as their heals could take them.
The health of the company getting better
I think the most of the boys is about got climated and will have
better health from this on
I feel as well as I ever did now but I was very unwell for the first two weeks after
we come down here. Their is three regts of Infantry at this camp. One is a Colored regt from New Hampshire.
They are well drill and look like they will make very good Soldiers. The most of the boys have sold their horses since we come down here. I can get $150 for mine and I am on a stan whether to take it or not. Their was two sold for $200 a piece but they ware a little better than mine.
I receive a letter on the 20tg from H. L. Ranes and one from brother Jim [James G. Mitchell] and one from Mary Taylor. Lieut. Gray or Baby Gray is Sick and was not able to go with his co. when they left here. He is now getting better. Their has been but one death in the regt since we come here. He belong to co. "L" Their was some days that their was two hundred on the sick list. Well I must come to a close for this time. Give my respects to all inquiring friends. Yours Truly
N. L. Mitchell
To A.K. Mitchell
Comes housed in 12 x 16 riker display case with red velvet and descriptive card.
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Inventory Number: GRO 097