Specializing in Authentic Civil War Artifacts
  • Military Escutcheon of Francis Renshaw, 2nd Delaware Volunteer Infantry / Sold

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    Military Escutcheon of Francis Renshaw, 2nd Delaware Volunteer Infantry - Inventory Number: DOC 063 / Sold

    Corporal Francis Renshaw, 2nd Delaware Infantry was engaged at Gaines and Malvern Hill, Savage Station, Glendale Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Mine Run, Gettysburg, Auburn, Bristoe, Cold Harbor, Wilderness, and Spotsylvania Court House.   Framed escutcheon commemorating the service of Francis Renshaw has colorful battle panoply of flags and Federal eagle at the top.  At the bottom of the escutcheon are Sheridan's Cavalry Insignia,  Kilpatrick Cavalry Division Badge, 22nd Delaware Infantry Badge, and Wilson's Cavalry Corps Badge, very nice additions to this piece.  Frame measures 25 1/8" x 17 1/4.

    Francis Renshaw -

    Residence was not listed;

    Enlisted on 6/12/1861 at Wilmington, DE as a Corporal.

    On 6/13/1861 he mustered into "B" Co. DE 2nd Infantry

    Transferred 39th Company, 2nd Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps, 3/31/1864

    Mustered Out 6/14/1864

    (Estimated date of enlistment)

    Second Infantry DELAWARE (3-YEARS)

    Second Infantry. -- Cols., Henry W. Wharton, William P. Bailey; Lieut.- Cols., David L. Stricker, Peter McCullough; Majs., Robert Andrews, Benjamin Rickets.

    This was the first body of volunteer infantry in the state to form under the call for three years men.  Its regimental organization dated from May 21, 1861, but its ranks were not entirely filled until five months later, on account of no state system to aid in this work.

    This cause also led to the taking of companies from outside of the state in order that its organization might be more speedily completed.  Cos. B. D and G were from Philadelphia, and Co. C from Elkton, Md.  The remainder of the companies were filled up at Wilmington, where headquarters had been established by the organizer of the regiment, H. W. Wharton, of the U. S. army.

    The men rendezvoused at Camp Brandywine during the summer of 1861.  On Sept. 17, 1861, eight companies of the regiment left there and marched to Cambridge, Md., where they went into a camp of instruction under Brig.-Gen. H. H. Lockwood.  Cos. I and K joined the command in October and November and also prepared for service in the field.

    In May, 1862, the regiment joined the Army of the Potomac under Gen. McClellan, and at the battle of Fair Oaks was assigned to the brigade of Gen. W. H. French.  There the active field service of the regiment began and continued almost incessantly during the campaign, participating in the general engagements of Gaines' Mill, Savage Station, Peach Orchard, White Oak Swamp and Malvern Hill.

    In the battle of Antietam it held an advanced position and was warmly commended for its bravery.  The battle of Fredericksburg was the next eventful incident in the history of the regiment and there too, it was in the forward part of the fray, covering the retreat from that hotly-contested field so ably that it attracted the attention of the entire army.

    It was at Chancellorsville in May. 1863 and performed its full share in the sanguinary struggle at Gettysburg.  The disposition to lead the advance upon the foes of the Union was continued in the campaign of the fall and winter of 1863, the regiment especially distinguishing itself at Bristoe Station and Mine run.

    In the later campaigns, it was in all the general engagements of the 2nd army corps, of which it was a part until the expiration of its service, in the summer of 1864.  The regiment was reduced to such a small number that it was attached to another organization during the Wilderness and Spottsylvania movements.

    On July 1, 1864, the work of mustering out the regiment began, after those men who had been added as recruits were transferred to the 1st regiment.  Cos. A and B were mustered out at Wilmington, July 1; C D, F and G at City Point, Va., the same day; H. near Petersburg on Aug. 12; I at the same place, Sept. 14; and K, on Oct. 1, 1864.

    Inventory Number: DOC 063 / Sold