Specializing in Authentic Civil War Artifacts
  • Missouri State Seal Coat Button

    There is only 1 item left in stock.

    Missouri State Seal Coat Button - Inventory Number: BUT 308

    Civil War Period Missouri State Seal Staff Officer’s Coat Button. The front shows no pushes or damage of any kind and retains at least 95% of its original lustrous gold gilt. The state seal depicts a split shield with the Union eagle on one side and the state moon and cow on the other. This shows that they have separate functions but are still united. It has the two grizzly bears supporting the center shield showing that Missouri supports both governments. The face of the button has an excellent amount of the gold gilt intact and has a fine look and the device shows beautifully. The reverse shows a period correct, “Scovill Mf’g Co, Waterbury” maker’s mark, with an inner and outer concentric ring of dots, and upright intact shank.

    Button card was de-accessed from the “The National Civil War Life Museum” of Fredericksburg, VA which featured thousands of items pertaining to the daily life of the Civil War Soldier and the era.

    *To purchase this item directly with a credit card, please click on this link. 

    Inventory Number: BUT 308