Specializing in Authentic Civil War Artifacts
  • Model 1816 Horse Pistol / Sold

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    Model 1816 Horse Pistol - Inventory Number: HAN 143 / Sold

    Originally in flintlock and converted to percussion. Markings removed from lock plate. Cocking the hammer reveals a "S" in position to be part of a cartouche. Probably maker's mark for "S. North Midtn Con" "H.H.P." stamped on right side of breech. "P" over "US" stamped on left side of breech. Post-production hammer, percussion nipple, and bolster mounted. Wood with steel fittings and brass cradle for percussion bolster. Wooden ramrod with metal endpiece. This example was formerly part of the MOLLUS museum collection inventory 90.6.2 Civil War Library Museum in Philadelphia.

    Inventory Number: HAN 143 / Sold