Nile's Patent Drinking Cup - Inventory Number: CAM 346 / SOLD
When Goodyear discovered and patented hard rubber in 1851, new devices were invented and the ingenious rushed to patent improvements on the old. Collapsible drinking cups in metal had been around for a while handy for travelers and carrying in one’s pocket. The India Rubber Comb Company rushed out an India rubber version as fast as they could. Peter Niles, however, went them one better. By adding a wide base, he stabilized the cup, prevented the concentric bands from slipping apart, and obviated the need for a separate container by simply supplying a lid that would meet the base. This one is complete and very nice, with no chips or warping. The Niles 1860 patent information is perfectly legible in sharp, raised letters in a circle on the top of the lid.
Designed, as were its forerunners, for convenient carrying and use, these fit in with collections of mess gear and personal items carried by soldiers, who were just as anxious as anyone to have the latest gadget that promised to make things easier. More than one was probably a gift from a well-meaning relative, along with patented inflatable rubber pillows, combination mess sets, combination writing, sewing and gaming kits, patent canteens, bullet-proof vests, and the like.
Inventory Number: CAM 346 / SOLD