Specializing in Authentic Civil War Artifacts
  • Privates Daniel B. Kauffman and Isaac Musser, Company D, 1st Regiment PRVC

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    Privates Daniel B.  Kauffman and Isaac Musser - Company D, 1st Pennsylvania Reserves, 30th PA Infantry. 

    Daniel Kauffman (left) and Isaac Musser, both of Safe Harbor in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, enlisted in Capt. George H. Hess's Company D between June and September of 1861. Isaac was transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps in early 1864, while Daniel Kauffman (a 22 year-old printer by trade) re-enlisted to serve in Company G, 190th Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers (as noted by the stripes seen on his coat sleeve.)

    Isaac Musser:

    Residence was not listed;

    Enlisted on 9/8/1862 as a Private.

    On 9/8/1862 he mustered into "D" Co. PA 30th Infantry

    He was transferred out on 1/1/1864

    On 1/1/1864 he transferred into Veteran Reserve Corps

    (date and method of discharge not given)

    Daniel Kauffman:

    Residence was not listed;

    Enlisted on 7/12/1861 as a Private.

    On 7/12/1861 he mustered into "D" Co. PA 30th Infantry

    He was transferred out on 5/31/1864

    On 5/31/1864 he transferred into PA 190th Infantry

    (date and method of discharge not given

    Pennsylvania 30th Infantry (3 years)

    Thirtieth Infantry.-Cols., R. Biddle Roberts, W. Cooper Talley; Lieut.- Cols., H. M. McIntyre, W. Warren Stewart, Majs., Lemuel Todd, Tobias Kaufman.  The 30th was the first regiment of the reserve corps and was organized at West Chester from June 1 to July 20, 1861.  It was ordered to Harrisburg, then to Baltimore, where it arrived on July 22, and went into camp on Carroll hill.  It was mustered into the U. S. service for a three years, term on the 26th.  The total number of members was 1,084, of whom 139 were killed in action, 233 were wounded and 148 reenlisted.  At Tennallytown, Md., the reserve corps was organized in three brigades and the 30th became the 1st regiment of the 1st brigade.  After many hard marches and some skirmishing during the first winter, the regiment participated in the battle of Mechanicsville in June, 1862 showing great courage and coolness.  It was also at the battle of Glendale; was in reserve at Malvern hill; active at South mountain and Antietam; and at the battle of Fredericksburg it formed part of the 1st corps of the left division under Gen. Reynolds.  In Feb., 1863, the regiment was assigned to the 5th corps under Gen. Meade, and at Gettysburg under Gen. Crawford.  In Co. K were many Gettysburg men, some even fighting on their own fields and within sight of their homes.  After the action at Bristoe Station and the Mine Run campaign, the 30th went into winter quarters at Bristoe Station in Jan., 1864, and remained there until the beginning of the Wilderness campaign.  It participated in the actions of the Army of the Potomac until June 1, 1864 when it returned to Philadelphia, where it was mustered out on the 13th, the veterans and recruits being transferred to the 190th Pa Infantry. 

    Inventory Number: PRVC 002