8” by 11” scrapbook page with various 19th century Civil War woodcut scenes, collected by George Alexander Martin. Martin enlisted in June 1861 as a captain in the 20th Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery. In April 1864 he was transferred to the 38th Virginia Infantry. He became Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment by December, and after the fall of Richmond, joined Confederate President Jefferson Davis at Charlotte, North Carolina and accompanied him to Washington, Georgia just before his capture. A 1 ¾” by ½” piece of wood is tied to the scrapbook page with the inscription “a chip from Seven Pines. Cut out in February 1892. The scrapbook was originally broken up and sold by The Horse Soldier in Gettysburg many years ago. A fascinating memento from a Confederate veteran.
George Alexander Martin - Residence was not listed; a 27 year-old Lawyer. Enlisted on 6/26/1861 at Norfolk County, VA as a Captain. On 6/26/1861 he was commissioned into "B" Co. VA 20th Battn Heavy Artillery. He was transferred out on 4/25/1864. (Enlisted in the St Bride's Artillery)
On 4/25/1864 he transferred into "I" Co. VA 38th Infantry. He was Surrendered (date not stated) at Augusta, GA. (Joined Pres. Davis at Charlotte, NC and accompanied him to Washington, GA. Date of surrender unknown). He was listed as: Hospitalized 5/17/1864 Howard's Grove Hospl, Richmond, VA (With debility). Returned 8/31/1864. Hospitalized 9/19/1864 Richmond, VA Hospl (With fever). Hospitalized 4/9/1865 Lynchburg, VA Hospl. Promotions: Lt Col 12/2/1864 . Other Information: Born 9/3/1833 in Norfolk County, VA. Died in 1915 in Norfolk, VA. (Postwar lawyer and VA State Senator and Delegate. Married Georgia Alice Wickens in 1857.)
Thirty-eighth Virginia Infantry
Report of Col. George K. Griggs, Thirty-eighth Virginia Infantry, of operations May 3-27.
COL.: I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken by my regiment in the present campaign:
At the opening of the campaign the regiment, 303 strong, commanded by Col. Joseph R. Cabell, was doing duty an New, McClellan, and Grape Vine Bridges, on the Chickahominy River. On May 5 it was ordered to and marched with the brigade to Hanover Junction. On May 7 it took train at Taylorsville for Richmond, and thence to Drewry's Bluff, and performed duty in trenches until May 10. It was engaged with its brigade (Barton's) and fought the forces of Gen. Butler, U. S. Army, estimated at from 20,000 to 30,000 strong, upon the Richmond and Petersburg turnpike. In this action my regiment was formed on the left of the brigade and left of the turnpike. About 9 a. m. the signal of advance was given; the regiment moved forward and soon engaged the enemy's skirmishers, driving them upon their line of battle. At this point I found my left entirely unproved the fact to Col. Cabell and one of Gen. Barton's staff and deployed my left (Company K, Lieut. W. G. Cabaniss commanding) perpendicularly to my line of battle and continued the advance, breaking and driving back three lines of battle. The regiment captured two pieces of artillery.
My rank having in this time become so much depleted from casualties, and the enemy on my left having passed around in my rear, I was ordered by Capt. Thom, assistant adjutant and inspector general, to fall back, and, turning about, the regiment fought its way out, killing about 15, wounding many, and capturing 50 of the Thirteenth Indiana Veterans. My loss in the regiment was heavy (64), and none are more regretted than the brave and noble Col. Cabell, who fell mortally wounded early in the action.
I cannot mention particular instances of gallantry where all acted so well.
The regiment was engaged after this in the trenches around Richmond, operating against Sheridan's raiders, until the battle of Drewry's Bluff, May 16. The brigade, under command of Col. Fry, formed a part of the attacking force on the left, supporting Hoke's (North Carolina) brigade. Owing to the density of the fog, this brigade was invisible at 40 paces, and having left my front without my knowledge, my regiment was precipitated against the enemy's works, and many were shot down without firing a gun while laboring under the delusion that Gen. Hoke's troops were in our front, and it was not until we were within 20 paces of the enemy that we returned his fire. Then with much reduced ranks a few of the right and many of the left wing entered the enemy's works and captured a good many prisoners. I lost here many good men who had attested their gallantry on many bloody fields.
On the 18th the regiment, with the brigade, took the train for Milford, and marched thence for Spotsylvania. Finding the army falling back, we returned to Hanover Court-House, having marched two days and night on short rations and with little rest. On May 27 the division was recruited and Gen. Pickett took command, to the great joy of all.*
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
GEO. K. GRIGGS, Cmdg. Thirty-eighth Virginia Regt.
Col. W. H.
Inventory Number: PRI 173 / SOLD