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  • Casey’s Infantry Tactics Identified to Charles H. Bliven, 13th New Jersey Infantry / SOLD

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    Casey’s Infantry Tactics Identified to Charles H. Bliven, 13th New Jersey Infantry - Inventory Number: HIS 138 / SOLD

    Infantry Tactics, for the Instruction, Exercise, and Maneuvers of the Soldier, a Company, Line of Skirmishers, Battalion, Brigade, or Corps D’Armee Volume 2 by Silas Casey. Published in 1862 by D. Van Nostrand, New York. The manual is complete with typical wear to the cover. The inside of the front cover and flyleaf bears two period inscriptions in pencil, “C.H. Bliven/ Capt. 13th N.J.V.” Charles H. Bliven enlisted in May 1861 as a private in the 2nd New Jersey Infantry. In August 1862 he was commissioned as a 1st Lieutenant in the 13th New Jersey Infantry and mustered out as a captain in June 1865. Bliven saw action at Gaines’ Mill, Malvern Hill, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, The Atlanta Campaign, Sherman’s March to the Sea, and Averysboro. A classic Civil War tactics manual with a great history. 

    Charles H. Bliven - Enlisted on 5/30/1861 as a Private. On 5/30/1861 he mustered into "K" Co. NJ 2nd Infantry. He was discharged for promotion on 8/22/1862. On 8/22/1862 he was commissioned into "A" Co. NJ 13th Infantry. He was Mustered Out on 6/8/1865 at Washington, DC. Promotions:

    1st Lieut 8/22/1862 (As of Co. A, 13th NJ Inf), Capt 11/1/1862 (As of Co. H). Intra Regimental Company Transfers: 11/1/1862 from company A to company H (As of 13th NJ Infantry.)


         Thirteenth Infantry.--Col., Ezra A. Carman; Lieut.-Cols., Robert S. Swords, Samuel Chadwick, John Grimes, Frederick H. Harris; Majs., George A. Beardsley, David A. Ryerson.  This regiment was mustered in at Camp Frelinghuysen, near Newark, Aug. 25, 1862, and remained in camp until the 31st, when it started for Washington, reaching that city on Sept. 2 and being at once sent into camp near Fort Richardson, Arlington Heights.  Its first engagement was at the battle of Antietam, where the entire loss of the regiment was 7 killed, 70 wounded (of whom 11 afterward died) and 25 missing.  At Chancellorsville it behaved admirably throughout, again showing that it was made of royal stuff.  The loss of the regiment in killed and wounded during the three days' fighting was some 130, being nearly one-half the number taken into battle.  At Gettysburg the 13th--its splendid fighting qualities being now universally recognized--was again placed, with Col. Carman in command, in a peculiarly exposed position, but though on duty for 14 hours lost only 21 men--1 killed and 20 wounded.  In the fall of 1863 the regiment was transferred to Tennessee and in the following spring started with Sherman's army upon the Atlanta campaign.  The first serious engagement in which it participated was that of Resaca, and although the men of the regiment fought with great steadiness throughout, the loss was much less than might have been expected, amounting to 4 killed and 23 wounded.  Pushing forward in pursuit, the 20th corps came up with the enemy posted in fortifications, upon the hills south of Cassville, where the skirmishers of the regiment again became engaged, but without any serious loss.  At Dallas, the 1st division was ordered to the left to reinforce Geary, the 13th being by order of Gen. Hooker deployed on the right of the line as skirmishers, and it soon drove in that part of the enemy's line, with a loss of only 6 men wounded, including Lieut.-Col. Grimes and Lieut. George Baitzel, of Co. C--the former wounded in the hand and the latter in the left arm.  The 13th was then pushed steadily forward, fighting as it advanced and losing several men, including Lieut. Peter M. Ryerson, of Co. C, who was mortally wounded on June 16.  At the battle of Kolb's farm, sheltered by hastily-constructed breastworks, the regiment escaped without the loss of a single man killed, and only 6 were wounded.  The regiment had 2 men killed at Nancy's creek and at Peachtree creek it lost 6.  It was on constant duty during the siege of Atlanta, the loss of the regiment in the campaign which ended in the capture of the besieged city being 100 in killed and wounded.  At Sandersvllle, Ga., the regiment had 3 men wounded, one only slightly, and was very highly complimented for its conduct in the affair.  When nearing Savannah the regiment formed in line in a swamp, in water from one to two feet deep, and when orders were given the men advanced with a yell in face of a galling fire from the Confederate guns, but the enemy soon evacuated the works and escaped towards Savannah, only 2 or 3 prisoners being taken.  In the entire march and campaign from Atlanta to and including The capture of Savannah, the regiment lost only 6 men, 3 wounded and 3 captured.  At Averasboro, N. C., the 13th passed through a deep swamp, driving the Confederate skirmishers rapidly into their works and halting some 200 yards from their position, where a line of earthworks was hastily thrown up after a severe engagement in which it lost 2 men killed and 22 wounded, many of the latter severely.  At Bentonville, the last battle of the war in which Sherman's army participated, the conduct of the 13th was of the most gallant character.  On June 26 the last man of the command was mustered out, and the regiment, which on so many fields had fought bravely and well for the flag of the Fathers, ceased to exist.  The total strength of the 13th was 1,438, and it lost during its term of service, by resignation 32, by discharge 152, by promotion 49, by transfer 410, by death 106, by desertion 178, not accounted for 1, mustered out, 510.

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     Inventory Number: HIS 138 / SOLD