Specializing in Authentic Civil War Artifacts
  • Ford’s Theater Document / Sold

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    Ford's Theater Document - Inventory Number: DOC 248 / SOLD

    Rare original document regarding Ford’s Theater.  Written by William Elder (1806-1885).  Pennsylvania Physician and writer, ardent abolitionist. Two-page ALS. 4to, Single sheet, black ink. Few tiny tape repairs otherwise very nice.

    Contents primarily contain an Internal Revenue Service Case against “Managers Ford & Grover”, regarding salaries of their employee, including at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, the site of Lincoln’s assassination.  Letter includes and extensive analysis pf sallies and operations costs versus monies due to the Federal Government.  Ital Elder at the time was a statistician in the Treasury Department and had just written “Debts and Resources of the United States”. 

    *To purchase this item directly with a credit card, please click on this link.

    Inventory Number: DOC 248 / SOLD