Signed by David Heckman, Veteran of Pickett’s Charge, Gettysburg - Inventory Number: CON 335 / SOLD
Handwritten 1862 Confederate soldier’s discharge in ink on blue stationery, for Nelson McGee, a 40-year-old farmer in the 57th Virginia Infantry. The document states that McGee is “honorably discharged from the army of the Confederate States in consequence of being over 35 years of age and in obedience to gen. ord. no. 36.” General Order 36 of May 17, 1862 stated “All applications for discharge, made by persons over 35 years of age, who may have been drafted since the 10th March 1862, under the Virginia laws, and assigned to military organizations serving under authority of the Confederate States, will be will be granted by Brigade Commanders, Regimental and Company Commanders causing to be made out, and signing, the * Soldier's Discharge," and " Final Statements," required in all cases of discharge: said papers to indicate cause for the discharge.” The discharge is signed twice by Captain David Heckman, a veteran of Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg. Colonel Elisha F. Keen, grandfather of Nancy Astor (the first female Member of Parliament) provided the final signature on the discharge. The document measures 9 ½” by 7 ¾” and is in good condition with some scattered water spotting. A very interesting Confederate document from a hard fighting Virginia regiment.
Nelson McGee - A 40 year-old Farmer. Enlisted on 4/17/1862 at Norfolk, VA as a Private. On 4/17/1862 he mustered into "C" Co. VA 57th Infantry. He was discharged on 5/25/1862. He was described at enlistment as: 5' 9.0", fair complexion, black eyes, black hair. Other Information: Born in Franklin County, VA.
David P. Heckman - Residence Franklin County VA; 30 years old. Enlisted on 6/21/1861 at Higgs Field, VA as a 1st Lieutenant. On 6/21/1861 he was commissioned into "C" Co. VA 57th Infantry. He was listed as: On rolls 10/15/1863. Detailed 12/15/1863. POW 4/1/1865 Dinwiddie Court House, VA. Confined 4/5/1865 Old Capitol Prison, Washington, DC. Confined 4/9/1865 Johnson's Island, OH. Oath Allegiance 6/15/1865 Johnson's Island, OH. Promotions: Capt 5/7/1862, Major 7/5/1863. Intra Regimental Company Transfers: 7/5/1863 from company C to Field & Staff. He was described at enlistment as: 5' 9.0", dark complexion, grey eyes, dark hair.
Inventory Number: CON 335 / SOLD