Engraved on the gripstrap:
“Wm. F. B. Robinson”
He served in Co. “G” 60th Mass. Militia Infantry
Very nice example with a high degree of its original finish. This .44 caliber six shot Remington Army was probably the finest built revolvers of the Civil war period. The gun is crisp showing strong markings, perfect action and very good grips with an engraved presentation on the grip strap “Wm. F.B. Robinson”, now polished light. The butt strap had the initials F.B. incised into the iron as well as the initials “F.B.” are on the left grip. A crisp example of an identified Civil War revolver.
The 60th Regt. Mass. Vol. Mill was one of the five militia regiments organized in the summer of 1864 for one hundred days service. The other four regiments, the 5th, 6th, 8th, and 42d, were already recognized units of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, the 60th being the only newly organized regimental unit in this series.
These regiments were employed during the late summer and fall of 1864 for guard and garrison duty in various places, thus releasing older and more experienced troops for service at the front.
The 60th was organized at Camp Meigs, Readville, Mass. Ansel D. Wass, who had had honorable service as an officer in the 6th Massachusetts, 3 months, the l9th Massachusetts, and the 3d Massachusetts Cavalry, and had been three times wounded, was made colonel of this regiment.
Under command of Lieut. Colonel Woodward, the 60th left for its field of duty August 1, 1864, arriving at Baltimore, Md., the following day. Here it was joined by Colonel Wass, who had just been mustered out as lieutenant colonel of the l9th Regiment. After a week spent at Relay House, and another at Carroll Hill, near the city, the regiment was ordered to Indianapolis, Ind., where danger was apprehended from disloyal secret organizations. It was quartered first at Camp Carrington and later at Burnside Barracks. While here, among other duties it furnished details to guard a stockade containing 5000 Confederate prisoners.
The 60th remained in or near Indianapolis during the remainder of its term of service, being mustered out Nov. 30, 1864. Before leaving Indianapolis Colonel Wass received from Governor Morton of Indiana a letter commending the regiment for its good deportment and efficient service.
Inventory Number: HAN 129 / SOLD